Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater is Designed and Manufactured by Sun Stellar which are a combination of Heat Pumps and Solar Thermal Collectors integrated with a Insulated Hot Water Tank. These hybrid heat pump water heater Systems provide maximum energy savings in comparison to all other sources of Heating Water with 100 % Reliability . The Solar Thermal Collectors absorb maximum energy from the Sun converts the energy into heat during sunny days where in Heat Pump is turned on during non-sunny days or on which the hot water requirement is higher thus making these system non dependant on climate conditions. A Solar Water Heater independantyly used would require a high power consuming Electric Element to heat water during non sunny days where in a hybrid systems uses Heat Pump Technology to heat water with COP As high as 4.5 . These hybrid heat pump Systems are totally customized for Residences , Hotels , Hospitals , Hostels and any other application where hot water is required.
Combination of Solar Water Heater and Heat Pumps provide maximum power savings in comparison to all methods of Heating Water .
These Systems are not dependant just on the radiations of Sun and climate conditions , thus gives required hot water throughout the year.
Hybrid Systems are designed to achieve COP of over 5.5
Hybrid systems are equiped with Smart Digital Controller to control hot water temperature , electricity consumption and real time working modes and energy saving modes.
Hybrid Systems have a high level of Safety in comparison with Electric Boilers , Diesel or Gas Boilers.
Hybrid Systems use dual heating methods where Solar Energy is used during sunlight & Heat pump is used during non sunny time which can provide 24 hours running hot water without mixing losses .
Our diverse range of products are exclusively designed to meet you and your family’s needs for water heating with maximum savings. Browse through these options and choose eco-friendly products