What Happens With Solar Water Heater During The Monsoon?

Today we will learn how to use a solar water heater during the monsoon? What happens if the sun is not shining? Can solar water heater work in monsoon? And some FAQs about the solar water heater.

Monsoon season is one of the most exciting and lovable seasons, where every day it’s raining, and the surroundings are amazing.

During such days, the sun often hides under the clouds and there is very rare sunlight. Thus, many people consider buying a domestic solar water heater to enjoy the hot. It is because of the hesitation that comes with a solar water heater that does not work during monsoons.

Usages Of Solar Water Heater During The Monsoon

Solar Water Heater During The Monsoon

Well, do you wonder why such doubts arise? It’s mainly because a solar heater is a device that provides hot water for various purposes like cleaning, bathing, washing, etc., by converting mechanical energy into heat energy. It uses the sun’s thermal energy to produce heat and turn the water hot. 

Additionally, they are installed on the terrace of any building where sufficient sunlight is available so that the solar water heater can work effectively. The water which gets heated remains in the insulated storage tank and is used when required. Apart from this, many other questions come into our minds while thinking of going for a solar heater. 

Advantages of Solar Water Heaters Work on Cloudy Days

It’s a myth and wrong assumption of many people that during cloudy days, solar heaters do not work. They do work because hot water can be generated during the monsoon as well. The heater uses diffused radiation, which is available in the atmosphere. During cloudy days, the heat-absorbing capacity is less than normal when compared with sunny days, when the heater generates up to 80% of solar energy. In such cases, auxiliary backup having conventional energy is used to generate hot water. 

Moreover, the amount of hot water the heater produces is also proportional to the amount of infrared sunlight available at the moment. One can have a backup at home by connecting an electric geyser to get hot water and store it in a storage tank or can turn the switch on when it’s not sufficiently hot.

Advantages of Solar Water Heating Technology

  • Solar thermal panels use less space-intensive and produce a sufficient amount of hot water to be used for every purpose at home.
  • There’s enough storage capacity in solar heaters which meets almost 100% of user’s hot water requirements
  • Solar heaters are cost-effective and require low maintenance
  • By using solar water heaters, there is less carbon footprint and loss of scarce resources
  • High-efficiency since 80% of the sun’s radiation is converted into heat energy for producing hot water at home. 

Final Thoughts & FAQ

Sun Stellar helps you with the best solar water heater and meets your requirements with its different-sized heaters. You can get a high-performance heater at affordable prices and an effective solution to all your hot water needs. Moreover, we also provide delivery, installation, and maintenance of your solar heaters. Call us today and get a reliable & eco-friendly heater and generate hot water.

What happens if the Sun is not shining?

Well, it is a fact that solar water heater generates around 85% of the hot water using solar energy. Concerning cloudy days, or if the demand for hot water consumption increases during monsoons, the heater comes with a great backup option. There is an insulated water tank that conserves enough water for days to be used during backup or cloudy days. Therefore, people can use the hot water and there will be no problem when the sun does not shine any day. 

Can solar water heater work in monsoon?

Yes, it works even on cloudy days. Solar water heaters can operate in any climate. 

How can we get hot water from solar, during the rainy season?

With a solar water heater, you can get hot water from solar, during the rainy season.
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